Saturday 29 March 2014

Winter Eclectic Results + WLS 13

The sixth and final round of the Winter Eclectic at Reay was played in very testing conditions. Kenny Farmer, who has enjoyed an excellent winter season, carded the best score of the day courtesy of his nett 74. However, the overall prize went to Lee Parnell, who has enjoyed his fair share of success in the Eclectic in recent years. His superb final nett aggregate score of 61.50 courtesy of a gross total of 63 was good enough to seal victory from his nearest challenger, Simon Harper, by a margin of less than one stroke. Harper, who had led the Eclectic standings at the half-way point, finished on a very creditable score of 62.37.

The evergreen Ian Ritchie took third place on 64.62, with Fred Groves fourth on 65.62. Another Eclectic specialist, Andy Bain, took fifth spot on 66.00.

Kenny Farmer also topped the standings in round 13 of the Winter League Stableford, with a brilliant score of 41 points in breezy conditions. Colin Munro took second place with a haul of 40 points, with John O’Brien third on 38.

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